(Food Access Fund)
Are you a restaurant or food business committed to supporting a more just food system? We a are looking for support to continue our F.A.F project into a second season.
Between Monday 24th February and Friday 2nd May, we are aiming to raise £8100 to ensure our F.A.F project can run for a further 6 months, over our busiest time of the season. We are asking individual organisations to pledge between £1000 - £1500 or to donate whatever amount feels possible to continue this work.
If you are interested in supporting and would like to find out more information email Rae at community@folxfarm.org. If you are ready to pledge a form can be found here!
We believe that consciously grown, nutrient-dense food should be accessible to everyone, but this is currently not the case. With the ongoing cost of living crisis, healthy, fresh food, already unaffordable to many, is now further out of reach of those who need it most. Folx Fare Food initiative is trying to establish new models to make our food system more equitable. Our first project F.A.F(Food Access Fund) looks to work with corporate food partners to redistribute the wealth in the London food industry, to support communities in the borough of Tower Hamlets to access fresh, culturally relevant and affordable veg.
FAF will explore how a commercial, small scale farm can concentrate a percentage of its growing activity, on producing foods that are predominantly imported and often staples in the diets of many marginalised communities in the UK, in a way that is environmentally sustainable and economically efficient.
We will do this by raising money through donations from restaurants and food business partners to pay for a grower to establish and maintain a dedicated growing space on the farm, growing produce for our Tower Hamlets Community partners to sell at their weekly markets. The aim, to make organically grown produce accessible and able to reach those communities who would otherwise be unable to afford it.
Worked with 3 Tower Hamlets Food Co-ops
Grown and supplied over 200kg of fresh vegetables
Vegetables on to the tables of over 40 households in Tower Hamlets
*Data correct as of Dec 2024
How to contribute to the FAF
If you’re a restaurant, the most impactful way to support our work is by contribute to our fundraiser - between Monday 22nd February and Friday 2nd April we are aiming to reach £8100 of pledged donations to continue the F.A.F project into a second season. This can be through a one-off or recurring donation, of though a number of creative ways….one restaurant in Tower Hamlets has chosen to give us all the profits from the folx mixed salad, which often appears on their lunch menus. Another option we’ve explored involves adding a charitable donation to customers’ bills in aid of our F.A.F.
Support us to maintain the F.A.F growing space and learn new skills by volunteering your time. As and individual attend one of our community open days. We will release dates on our instagram page here! If you are a restaurant or food business and want to arrange a team away day at the farm helping us to maintain the F.A.F space whilst finacial supporting the project please email using the contact button below. Put ‘Corporate Community Day’ in the subject.
if you have other skills or interests and want to support the project in any way, we would be interested to hear from you. Please contact us using the button below.
This is not a stand alone project and forms part of a web of organisations, projects and communities who are all working towards transforming current food systems with the mutual understanding that good food should be available and accessible to all. Here we aim to showcase some of this great work and the people, stories and recipes behind it.
RECIPES (coming soon)

Tower Hamlets Co-op Team visit with Okra plants, Sept 2024

Tower Hamlets Co-op & Alexandra Rose visit, planting potatoes, Sept 2024

Sept 2024

Polytunnel re-skin, Spring 2024


Frame preparation for a new skin

Polytunnel being skinned

Nick skinning the polytunnel

Delivery to Limehouse Town Hall Food Co-Op, 2024

Toms, chard, squash, mooli

Garlic bed preperation, F.A.F open day, Oct 2024

Farm Tour, Oct 2024

Squash Harvest, F.A.F Open Day, Oct 2024

Bed clearing, F.A.F Open Day, Oct 2024

Sowing Broadbeans, Oct 2024